Dr. Merrin Pearse

Sustainability Advisor

A trained land surveyor, geodetic advisor and circularity convenor, Dr. Pearse is a natural problem solver and positive impact catalyst. His curiosity makes him a  natural facilitator and eager listener, able to thread insights well and synthesise discussion points to aid with learning and/ or decision-making .

Merrin's experience spans over 3 decades of holding leadership roles from land development consulting to social enterprises and environmental non profit organisations across Asia Pacific.  In business roundtables he brings with him scenario analysis as a method to surface priorities, innovate processes and motivate teams. He has deep expertise in the areas of waste management and circularity, social impact and environmental conservation - all topics that he regularly speaks on and sparks his light. 

Merrin holds a doctorate degree in Geomatics. A certified facilitator, he sits on the board of Masarang HK and continues to share his time and expertise in professional learning and development circles such as the Competent Boards and Sustainable Business Network as a faculty member. Since 2016, Merrin has been instrumental in the development of close to 20 sustainability strategy frameworks for industries spanning hospitality, transportation, supply chain, and construction.

"To be excited about being part of something special that is worthwhile to you and your community on an ongoing basis is what purpose means to me. My purpose is to reconnect people with nature so more of humanity realises they are part of nature and not separate from nature."