Martha Fernandez

Sustainability Advisor

Martha has extensive experience in business planning and project management and has spent the last 12 years focusing on carbon and plastic waste strategies to help organisations incorporate climate change solutions that benefit both the society and the bottom line.

She has worked as regional manager for one of the world’s largest carbon asset managers, Bunge Environmental Markets, and Climate Change Capital. She was an independent consultant for Global Initiatives Singapore and has worked with the United Nations on UNEP’s Asia Pacific Adaptation Network and the SEA circular initiatives, focusing on outreach for regional climate adaptation and solutions on plastic waste. Martha uses her knowledge in the climate space to facilitate programmes with multi-stakeholders – private and social enterprise sectors – to share best practices and more importantly, address climate challenges and solutions.

Martha holds a Master of Science in Environmental Management degree from the National University of Singapore and an MBA from the Ateneo Graduate School of Business. She also has a Bachelor of Science in Business Economics degree from the School of Economics, University of the Philippines and has been based out of Singapore and Thailand for the past 17 years.

“Purpose is what you hold dear– and the happiness that comes seeing that what you value also matters to those around you.”